Search Results
Battle of the Badges 23 -- Women Boxers
Battle of the Badges 17 -- Lady fighters with Howard Cosell
Battle of the Badges to feature more female fighters
Battle of the Badges 18 -- Same lady fighters
2018 Battle of the Badges #8 John Hogan VS Brandon Crum
Battle of the Badges 2018 presents Charde Stevens vs April Martinez
Battle of the badges!
#6 S. Mutter VS. S.Turner The Official Battle of the Badges
Battle of the Badges
2022 The Official Battle of the Badges Bout #8 BURNS VS GUICE
UCA #1 Asiah Medawar, (Blue Gloves) SBSD vs. #1 Kat Proudfoot, 29 Palms FD (7-23-16)